Listening Skill
Miss Patcharin Sinjapo
Pre-listening activities can be brainstorming, discussing the topic of the listening text, predicting and pre-teaching vocabulary. This stage should be restricted to a few minutes.
Miss Supawan Parnkaew
While-listening should be a stage at which listening is accompanied by carefully designed activities and experience the pleasure of success. Task-based activities are encouraged. Tasks can be labeling, selecting, form-filling or completing a grid. Students are thus expressing agreement and disagreement, taking notes, making a picture or a diagram according to instructions.
Miss Ladda Khajornmot
Activities of post-listening such as problem solving, summarizing, group discussion and writing as follow-up are necessary. Instead of spending time examining the grammar of the listening text, we take post-listening as a means of reinforcing recently learned material.
Welcome to shop the plan
Listening Unit: Places Topic: Tourist Attraction (M.3)
Listening Plan Unit: Culture
Topic: Local History (M.5)
Part 1
Part 2
Listening Plan Unit: Environment
Topic: Environment protection (M.6)
Listening Plan Unit: Environment
Topic: How to preserve the environment (M.4)